Five Different Ways to Use Oats

Perhaps you are a little bored of the basic bowl of oatmeal. Or you a big fan of oats and have no clue how to use them. The following recipes will help you better utilize that canister of oats in your pantry. 

Oat milk

To recreate this very trendy, you’ll just need a bowl, a container, a sieve or cheesecloth, a blender, 1/2 cup of oats, and 3 cups of filtered water. Blend the oats and water in your blender. Next, pour your oat mixture into a sieve or a cheesecloth with a bowl underneath to catch the liquid.  Discard the oat pulp in your sieve or cheesecloth.  Pour your oat milk into a container to drink for a few days.

Savory Oats

Opt for a savory option for your next bowl of oats.  Prepare Always Save’s quick-cooking oats (about 1 cup) with 2 cups of water, 3 garlic cloves, 1/4 cup of your favorite cheese, and 2 tsp of dried basil. Top with eggs the way you like your eggs and a drizzle of olive oil.

PB Granola

This recipe can be modified to you best meet your taste buds. Start by combining  1/2 Always Save Honey and 1/2 cup of Always Save Peanut Butter in a bowl and microwave for about 30 seconds to 1 minute until the peanut butter melts. Add in 1 teaspoon of Always Save Vanilla. Pour 5 cups of oats onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Top the oats with the peanut butter mixture and bake for 20 minutes at 275F. Stir the granola and press down. Bake for another 10-15 minutes.  Allow granola to cool before storing in an airtight container.

Oat Pancakes

This flour-free take on pancakes includes the following ingredients, 1.5 cups of Always Save oats, 1 banana, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp Always Save vanilla, 2 tsp baking powder, and 1/2 cup milk. Blend all ingredients in a blender until incorporated but still thick. Prepare as you would with any pancake batter. 

Oat crusted chicken tender

Swap out breadcrumbs for oats for an oat crusted tender. You’ll need: 1 pound boneless/skinless chicken tenders, 1 1/2 cups Always Save quick-cooking oats, 1/2 cup Always Save flour or grounded oats, 2 Tbsp Always Save cornstarch, 1 egg beaten with 2 Tbsp milk, Salt & Pepper to taste, 2 Tbsp Always Save Parmesan Cheese, 1 tsp Poultry Seasoning and Cooking oil. 

Mix the oats with the poultry and Parmesan cheese in a shallow bowl and set aside. In another shallow bowl, mix the cornstarch, flour, salt, and pepper. Set aside. In a third shallow bowl, beat the egg and milk. Set aside. In a 12” skillet, add enough oil to cover the bottom. Heat set to medium.

Organize your assembly line, having the chicken furthest from the pan, then the flour, next to the egg mixture, and last the oats/cheese/seasoning. Dredge each tender in that order. Place the crusted tender in oil.

Cook approximately 5-7 minutes for each side (flipping only once).  Use a thermometer to ensure chicken is cooked at 165 F.

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