Happy National Brown-Bag-It Day!

National Brown Bag It Day

Welcome to National Brown-Bag-It Day! Whether you’re using a lunch box or a brown paper bag, there are so many great benefits in bringing your lunch with you. With so many benefits to choose from, here are our top four.

  • Save Money on Lunch. Everyone’s budget is a bit tighter this year. Packing a lunch for yourself and your family is a great way to help save money. An average meal out can cost you between $10 and $12. While preparing and taking your own lunch typically costs about $5-$7. That average $5 savings can add up to about $1,300 a year!
  • More Time to Yourself. More time in the day is what so many people wish for. Well, here is your chance to make your wish come true! Packing your lunch will save time driving, standing in line, or waiting for food. You’ll have more time to yourself to complete another task or be able to take time to relax before jumping into your next project.
  • Control Over What You Eat. While most food menus have several options to choose from, they still don’t have the best option for you. Take control over what you eat by bringing your lunch with you. By doing so, you get to determine how healthy you eat, what the side is, and how big your serving size is.
  • Avoid Snack Attacks. If you get hungry outside of normal mealtimes, you’re not alone. Most people need a snack or two throughout the day. Instead of running to the closest vending machine, pack a few additional snacks in your lunch. That way, you have something close and maybe a bit healthier within reach.

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